
2024 Boston Glory JohnBar Axon Disc Design #1

This disc is a work of art by JohnBar Axon.

JohnBar Axon started playing in 1980 at NCSU in Raleigh, NC. He has appeared in 17 Open National Championships and 7 World Championships. His teams won 5 Open and 2 World Championships as well as an Open Masters and World Masters championships. He coached 2 teams in Hamina, Finland in 1995 and MIT from 1993-96. In 1992 He was invited to join a group that traveled to Japan to run clinics and work with the Japanese National Team. In the 1980's he started making team shirts with spray paint and stencils, eventually learning silk screen and, ended up going back to school at Mass Art in the mid 1990's. His work the past dozen years he uses models, fabric he has created, projections to create his work. Most recently he has had work in shows at Gallery Very in the South End, two of which were reviewed in The Boston Globe.
@johnbaraxon1 Instagram